The British Benevolent Society of Peru (BBS) is a registered charity which provides aid and relief to British Citizens in need living in Peru. Our support comes from generous donations, legacies and fundraising by members, and our community in Peru.
The BBS is made up of predominantly volunteer members, 8 of whom form a Board of Directors who manage the charity and its activities. The Board of Directors also includes representation of the British Embassy of Lima and the Cathedral Church of the Good Shepherd. Through discussion and unity, they make all decisions which determine how the charity continues to succeed and deliver its mission.
Individual crisis cases are brought to the Board to discuss if they qualify for financial support from the BBS. The Board is also responsible for fundraising, the investment, and management of the charitable monies, and the marketing of the BBS organisation.
Most importantly the BBS Board is focused on helping and supporting British Nationals, residing in Peru, who are desperate and fallen on hard times. The BBS relies on the support of donations from individuals and companies and welcomes anyone who would like to join and help support its cause.
To join the BBS as a Supporter is free and allows the person an opportunity to attend all BBS events and fundraisers whilst supporting individuals who are in desperate need.